Rehus, P., Tsigkou, M., Andreadis, I., and Van Hauwaert, S. M. (forthcoming) The populist personality. In Y. Stavrakakis and G. Katsambekis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Carlin, R. E., and Van Hauwaert, S. M. (forthcoming). Populism as Instrument of Democracy? Elections and Representation under Populist Rule. In N. Wiesehomeier, K. A. Hawkins, E. Hawkins, A. Chryssogelos and L. Littvay (Eds.), The Ideational Approach to Populism: Consequences and Mitigation (chapter 3). Cambridge University Press.
Sijstermans, J., and Van Hauwaert, S. M. (forthcoming). Belgium: Against the Government and its Parties, (Not So Much) with the People. In L. Renno and N. Ringe (Eds.), Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists around the World Respond to COVID-19 (chapter 22). London: Routledge.
Van Hauwaert, S. M., Schimpf, C. H., & Azevedo, F. (2018). Public opinion surveys: Existing measures. In K. A. Hawkins, R. E. Carlin, L. Littvay, and C. Rovira Kaltwasser (Eds.), The ideational approach to populism: Concept, Theory and Method. London: Routledge. [replication materials]
Chabanet, D., Cinalli, M., Muxel, A., Van Hauwaert, S. M., and Vedel, T. (2017). A Post-Contentious turning point for the Contentious French? Crisis without Protest in France. In M. Giugni and M. Grasso (Eds.), European Citizens and the Crisis: Perceptions, Experiences, and Responses (chapter 5, pp.115-139). London: Palgrave.